jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Unión Europea

Organization of the Iranian government


     El problema del “terrorismo islámico” y los valores islámicos y occidentales, son temas que aparecen todo el tiempo en los medios de comunicación occidentales. Pero tales acusaciones sólo revelan mucha ignorancia y confusión. Es importante reconocer que un seguidor de una religión no es necesariamente un portavoz de dicha religión. Ningún acto de terrorismo ya sea terrorismo te superpotencia o terrorismo de estado puede ser incriminado a una religión. Si un individuo o un grupo de musulmanes comete un crimen, la tendencia general o lo más común es hacer responsable a TODA la tradición islámica. Pero ¿qué sucede cuando alguien de cultura occidental o un cristiano recurre a la violencia o comete un crimen? Porque generalmente lo que sucede es que se convierte responsable la persona y nadie culpa a la cultura occidental o al Cristianismo por dichas acciones. ¿Acaso hoy día no existen líderes en el Occidente que son cristianos y son responsables de muertes de millones de musulmanes? ¿Alguien culpa al Cristianismo por esto? Planteo estas preguntas y espero que quienes lean esta investigación cobren mas conciencia sobre este tema así como yo también lo hice al estudiar mas de cerca este problema. Pues pude darme cuenta y descubrir que definitivamente el Islam no promueve el terrorismo y que lo que existe en este mundo es un desprecio y rechazo hacia esa religión que ha sido causado por nosotros mismos. 

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

Expert: Russia Needs to Know New Rules of Energy Business

Nation: Russia
Theme: Methodology
Source: "Expert: Russia Needs to Know New Rules of Energy Business — RT." Expert: Russia Needs to Know New Rules of Energy Business — RT. 26 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
Summary: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had said that the new European Union energy policy that separates energy production from distribution increases energy security risks for the European Union. He also argues the third energy package is designed to restrict Russian energy companies, especially the gas producers, from the European market. It may first and foremost affect Russia’s Gazprom, which is involved both in transmission of energy and its production from using their privileged position on the market.

Analysis: The Prime Minister has called for deeper economic cooperation in energy in order to create a common European energy he said “The Nord Stream gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea and the South Stream pipeline under the Black Sea are important steps in that direction. These projects have the support of many governments and involve major European energy companies,” . Many experts agree with the Prime Minister point of view saying that the third energy package would bring uncertainty to the European energy market and would also bring investor confusion.  The European Union says it will be a new system which will me an excellent market for the nation but it is really important for each of the citizens to understand the rules of the business. For other part Mr. Simonov explained that the level of consumption of Russian gas in the Nation determines the amount of investment in the infrastructure of the European gas. He also explained that low consumption means Gazprom won’t be interested in investment. The European customers are likely to be first affected by the new regulations, experts warn. “Gazprom won’t be the first victim of this process; European customers would be the first victims. Europe will have to find this money and the investment [for gas infrastructure]”, Simonov said.

The Future of the U.S.-China Relationship

Nation: U.S and China
Theme: Political and economic change
Source: Wyne, Ali. "The Future of the U.S.-China Relationship." – Global Public Square. CNN, 23 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
Summary of Article Content: In the 40 years since Richard Nixon visited China, it has embarked on what may be the most extraordinary trajectory of any country in history. China along the way, it has become the world’s largest exporter and manufacturer. From past years to now china’s economy has change drastically and has become extremely important for the nation. When China becomes the largest economy, however, its per-capita GDP will only be one-fourth of America’s.  Furthermore, it will have to grapple with a growth model that China’s leaders have themselves declared unsustainable. In the political power, China  “has had a limited return on its investment.”  More important while the past decade has undermined global opinion of U.S. power and policy, China has been unable to develop strong alliances. On the other hand China’s neighbors are strengthening their diplomatic and military ties with the U.S. In short, while the gap between America and China’s power resources has diminished, it remains significant. Neither country can dominate the other, let alone the international system because the international system’s health will depend in on how the U.S. and China allocate their collective energies between contesting one another and addressing global challenges. For last in can be noticed that the strategic tension between China and Us is inevitable but at least the two nations don’t have a military problem.

Analysis: It is obvious that nuclear weapons, the separation by the Pacific and the economic independence will prevent a problem between China and the U.S. It is extremely important for both nations to maintain the tension in just that and not let it to transform into a struggle that may bring many trouble and even more a war.

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Noticia- Mexico's Newest Export To U.S. May Be Water

Mariandrea Rodríguez
Trabajo Día A

Nation and Theme: México; Political and Economic Change, and Public Policy

Source: Huff Post, Mexico's Newest Export To U.S. May Be Water, October 15, 2011.

Summary of the Article Content: Through many years the nation of México has export ships televisions, cars, sugar and medical equipment to the United States. Now they may be sending very soon water. The U.S. agencies want to consider helping pay for the plant and letting Mexico keep the water for booming areas of Tijuana and Rosarito. In exchange, Mexico would surrender some of its allotment from the Colorado River, sparing the cost of laying pipes from the plant to California. The other big plant proposal would send much of its 100 million gallons a day from Rosarito to the United States via a new pipeline.

Analysis:  The theme of this news is a Political and Economic change and Public Policy. During many years Mexico has been a one of the nations that has export great amount of things to the United States. Now days they are planning to export water something that is incredibly important. When I read this news I felt extremely happy because the exportation of water is something that is going to help both of the nations. We can see how both of them are negotiating each and every step of the plan. For example that the United States is planning on helping Mexico pay a plant of water and letting them keep some water for the boombing areas of Tijuana and Rosarito. Actions like this ones are something that in reality many nations don’t do. Everyone knows that in a past the United States and Mexico had problems and for many people is very important this kind of compromise between them because it shows how the left the problems of the past behind.