domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Noticia- Mexico's Newest Export To U.S. May Be Water

Mariandrea Rodríguez
Trabajo Día A

Nation and Theme: México; Political and Economic Change, and Public Policy

Source: Huff Post, Mexico's Newest Export To U.S. May Be Water, October 15, 2011.

Summary of the Article Content: Through many years the nation of México has export ships televisions, cars, sugar and medical equipment to the United States. Now they may be sending very soon water. The U.S. agencies want to consider helping pay for the plant and letting Mexico keep the water for booming areas of Tijuana and Rosarito. In exchange, Mexico would surrender some of its allotment from the Colorado River, sparing the cost of laying pipes from the plant to California. The other big plant proposal would send much of its 100 million gallons a day from Rosarito to the United States via a new pipeline.

Analysis:  The theme of this news is a Political and Economic change and Public Policy. During many years Mexico has been a one of the nations that has export great amount of things to the United States. Now days they are planning to export water something that is incredibly important. When I read this news I felt extremely happy because the exportation of water is something that is going to help both of the nations. We can see how both of them are negotiating each and every step of the plan. For example that the United States is planning on helping Mexico pay a plant of water and letting them keep some water for the boombing areas of Tijuana and Rosarito. Actions like this ones are something that in reality many nations don’t do. Everyone knows that in a past the United States and Mexico had problems and for many people is very important this kind of compromise between them because it shows how the left the problems of the past behind. 

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