jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

NEWS: Latest battlefield in Mexico's drug war

Summary of article content:
            This article, published by CNN on September 16,2011 talks about how the Mexican cartel’s, violence and drug has gone vital. The cartels is a group that have terrorized Mexico for many years and they also have been known for being extremely violent and have no mercy. On September 16, 2011 two bodies were found hanging from a bridge.  One of the bodies was a woman who was tied from the feet and arms and was brutally injured. The second body was a male who was tied by the arms; one of the arms had its bone exposed. On top of the bridge, a poster had a message stating that if anyone was to talk nonsense of the cartel business through the World Wide Web, they will be hunted and killed. It is believed that both victims wrote in the Internet about the cartel. The Mexican’s government beliefs this could have been the Z cartel, a famous Mexican cartel, sending a message or the cartels are just scaring the society. Still no evidence of which of the two beliefs have been found.

            The problem Mexico is facing is part of the theme named methodology. Methodology is generally a guideline for solving a problem, with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools. Right know Mexico is being not only terrorized but also the people are being killed by a group of people named the drugs cartels. The drug cartels or drugs trafficking organizations fight each other for regional control and have existed for several years. They have become more powerful during the years and are known to be the ones who dominate the wholesale illicit drug market in the United States. As already mentioned, the article talks about two people who were horribly killed because they comment on internet about this group. These action shows that the cartels are don’t fear anything and that they are capable in doing whatever they have to do to punish all those people who are talking bad about them.  This problem Mexico is facing can be easily compared to a lot of things that have happen on other nations. For example the cartels can be compared to any group in other nations that suddenly reveal and are capable of doing anything in order to achieve or gain what they are looking for or what they want. A problem like the one is facing Mexico is one that many nations have had but only that the situation in Mexico is getting worse, so Mexicans should organize themselves and do something in order to fight for their own protection and life.

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